Why Gradation ?

In India, Teachers are instrumental in sustaining the music and other forms of fine arts for generations. Each school has a unique way of teaching and mostly there are no common syllabi. Yet there remains a need for a systematic and rational certification process based on the talent of the students.
Bridge Academy with the help of scholars and professionals from the field of Music, Dance & fine arts has put together a curriculum and gradation syllabus for Music, Dance & fine arts. The panels of experts are from both the Guru Parampara genre and academic scholars, integrating traditional and systematic schools of teaching.
Bridge Academy has institutionalized the Art Forms by standardizing the syllabus without compromising the legacy of Indian arts.
Any form of Art, being versatile is difficult to evaluate, hence, we need a system which can make it acceptable by the practitioners and experts alike.

International 8 grade system

Teachers/Gurus are the ones who preserve the tradition, sustenance of Music, Dance, other Indian Art forms for generations. Each School is unique in their way of teaching and mostly there are no common syllabi. Yet there remains a need for a systematic and rationale certification process based on the skills and talent levels of students.

Bridge Academy has initiated the process of standardizing and institutionalizing the syllabus without compromising the legacy of Indian fine art forms into 8 grade syllabus.

Our panel comprising experts from the Guru Parampara Genre, academicians and professional artists have integrated the traditional values and systematic way of teaching. This internationally acclaimed 8 grade system has been unveiled by none other than Padma Vibhushan Dr. Balalmuralikrishna, Padma Bhushan Dr.V.P.Dhanajayan, Kalaimamani Dr.Nityashree Mahadevan, National Award Winner Dr.Alphonso Doss to the fraternity.

This international 8 grade system is being accepted and implemented across the globe by galaxy of teachers/gurus bringing harmony and uniformity in the way of teaching amongst them. This 8 grade system facilitates a platform for students to excel in their chosen field of fine arts through thousands of teachers /gurus throughout the world following our syllabus.


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